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Game Dev Blog: News on Events, Updates, Bug Fixes, Future Plans

Fragoria Worldwide!

Hi everyone.
As you may have already heard — we announced merging of our. This process will not require anything from you, it will look like another regular update.
After that update, which will come in the end of March, the game will not change dramatically. Actually we are going to merge servers step by step to avoid any problems, bugs or overcrowding cross-server locations. We are currently designing a new mini-game/location for worldwide events — and it will be the only location where you will be able to meet Russian-server players in the beginning.
The main idea here is that we want that change to improve your gameplay experience as after the merge we will have more players online, more rival alliances and more possibilities for you to change political map of Fragoria. And of course we don’t want to affect the game in a negative way, that’s why we are doing it step by step, as such a merge can cause both technical and design problems, which we want to avoid — and we will.
So in general just prepare to have some new activities and more fun in Fragoria! 🙂

Fragoria Team.