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Moving to new server (updated)

Hi everyone.

On monday night we will move game to the new server. It’s a part of optimization process and will influence a lot. Some more info here.

First of all new machine has new SSD discs. Which means it will work with data much, much faster than now. As an example — one of the games had many problems with lags. They’ve ran lots of optimization processes and did hard work but nothing helped. And then they switched to SSD — and lags were gone. Just like this. We will see if it helps Fragoria in the same way (well, it probably can’t remove client-side problems that we are still working on) but anyway we think it’s gonna be very positive and hey — every chance is good.

But there are some things that you should mind.
First of all moving to new server means all IPs will change. For you that means that all standalone clients will not work any more. We will upload new ones during relocation to the same directory, so you will have to download and reinstall them.
Second — it means game will go down for about 4 hours. We will begin at 2 am 03.12.2013.

Stay tuned!

Fragoria Dev Team